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6th Technology Summit: Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities

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25 April 2019

Royal Concert Hall, G2 3NY

7 November 2019

09:00 – 18:00 (including drinks reception)


Over 500 delegates from industry, academia and the public sector attended our 5th Technology Summit in 2018, with over 60% of the delegates coming from industry and over 26% with Senior Executive/CxO titles. Build awareness of your company and brand by taking advantage of sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities for the 6th Summit.


“A fantastic summit. The turnout was amazing, content excellent and there was a real buzz about the event.”

  • Promote your brand to a growing audience of specialists.
    – Exponential growth of event since 2014 – from <100 to >500 delegates in 2018.
  • Tap in to the sensing, imaging and IoT supply chain in Scotland on a single day.
    – Our event brings together technology developers, system integrators, end users, and stakeholders including Scottish Government policy makers and advisers.
  • Associate your brand with a high calibre event.
    – 98% of those who responded to the 2018 survey would attend another CENSIS Technology Summit.
  • Benefit from pre and post event PR and social media via CENSIS channels.
    – CENSIS has almost 3,000 Twitter followers

Sponsor opportunities include an exhibition space, an invitation to the networking dinner, banner and logo placements, programme adverts, email and social media advertising, and mentions in press releases. Please contact Sian Williams if you are interested in one of the sponsor packages.


One of the most popular elements of the Summit, our Exhibition Zone quickly sold out in 2018. Ensure your company is seen by hundreds of people from the Scottish sensing, imaging and IoT supply chain and apply to join us in 2019.

We are looking for exhibitors to bring products and real world demonstrators that connect with our focus on sensing, imaging and IoT technologies. We give priority to organisations with real products to demo and research groups with near-to-market technologies to showcase.

“The exhibition space we had on the day was absolutely perfect, we were so busy and have multiple promising leads as a result. Cannot thank CENSIS enough, was a great day, can’t wait until next year!”
