Technology Solutions for Sustainable Transport
IoT technologies are transforming the transport ecosystem, with applications that can not only help Scotland achieve Net Zero targets but also generate costs savings, drive operational and supply chain efficiencies, improve customer service and increase passenger safety. IoT has the potential to empower individuals and organisations, helping them make informed decisions about how transport is planned, managed and used.
With over 90 inhabited islands, and a population density ranging from 8 to nearly 3300 people per square kilometre, it is fair to say that in terms of transportation, Scotland is geographically challenged. Adding to these challenges are a rise in internet shopping, a steady increase in tourism (hopefully bouncing back after COVID-19) and the need to reduce our carbon footprint and become carbon neutral. Can Scotland embrace IoT and use it to mitigate the challenges we face?
Scotland’s Countdown to COP26
On 3 November, our transport session at Scotland’s Countdown to COP26 will begin to address these issues and identify the partnerships and collaborative needed to tackle these challenges.
Join us to hear from our line up speakers and panellists as they discuss challenges and opportunities in this space, what is holding us back and how sensing, imaging and IoT technologies can play a part in helping us to address them:
13.00 – 13.20 – Session 1
Tackling climate change in an urban environment
• George Lowder MBE, Chief Executive, Transport for Edinburgh
• Introduced by Jacqueline Redmond, Chair, CENSIS
13.20 – 13.50 – Session 2
Panel: Organising transport efficiency using digitally enabled solutions, data sharing and
collaborative platforms
Chaired by Gemma Milne, Science & Technology writer with guests:
• Steve Cassidy, Co-founder and Director, Fuse Mobility
• Nilofer Christensen, Chief Operating Officer, Chargetrip
• Gayathri Narayanan, Client Executive, IBM
13.50- 14.10 – Session 3
Flagships of the Future
• Di Gilpin, Founder and CEO, Smart Green Shipping
• Introduced by Paul Winstanley, CEO, CENSIS
14.10 – 14.35 – Session 4
Panel: Accelerating the modal shift to public and active transport and supporting the behaviour and
culture change required
Chaired by Gemma Milne, Science & Technology writer with guests:
• Beate Kubitz, Future mobility researcher and writer
• Claire Haigh, Chief Executive, Greener Journeys
• Jenny Milne, Owner, Strategic Development Director, JLM
14.35 – 14.55 – Session 5
Road transport, the CAV Forth project
• Louise Simpson, Project Manager, Stagecoach Bus
• Introduced by Paul Winstanley, CEO, CENSIS
14.55 – 15.00 – Session 6
Closing remarks
• Jacqueline Redmond, Chair, CENSIS