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Digital twins for climate-positive farming and land management

Home > News, views & events > Digital twins for climate-positive farming and land management

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6th October 2022
ONE Tech Hub, Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 1JQ

NOTE: This event has now passed.

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Join CENSIS, the James Hutton Institute, Scottish Enterprise and ONE (Opportunity North East) for this technical lunch and learn, to discover and deliberate the challenges and opportunity of creating a digital twin of the Aberdeenshire farm that is home to the climate-positive farming initiative.

PwC’s 2021 ‘State of Climate Tech’ report found that investment into climate tech reached $87.5bn between H2 2020 and H1 2021, across key climate tech investment hubs globally.

With food systems responsible for 20.1% of global GHG emissions, and pressures on how we manage our land to address the challenges of food security, climate change and biodiversity loss there is significant challenge and technology development opportunity to understand, measure and model the impact of our actions to help make better-informed decisions for long-term sustainable land use.

This event is free to attend and includes a networking lunch.

To register, please visit the Eventbrite page.
